Friday, September 16, 2016

Final CAD Project DUE DATE

You will have 2 - six day cycles to work on your final CAD project.  The due date is October 5th.  Reminder you must have the following

2D sketch(es) with Dimensions

Rough 3D Model (made from paper/cardboard/etc)

3D CAD Model that could be 3D printed whole or in parts

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

CAD "Final" Rubric

Here is the CAD Modeling Rubric that I will use to assess your knowledge, skill, and creativity using Fusion360.  It is an adapted rubric first developed by Bryan Kroh or Daedalus, Inc. (an Engineering/Design firm that we have a City as Our Campus partnership).  The criteria established in the rubric are authentic through the lens of real-world designers and engineers.

Reminder of "what" you need to model for the Final - one of the following:

Something Rubber-band Powered

Karakuri Moving Model

Bottle-cap 2nd Life

Added Course Resources

Some of you would like to reference study guides or tutorials that reinforce the steps we have been covering to properly create our 3D models.  I have added some links to the Course Resources tab for you to use as needed.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Updated Technical Drawing of Homework Part

Notice the additions (height of 60 mm NOT 30 like the moron who made the changes shows in the above drawing, Radius of 28mm, extrusion height of 17, Rib distance of 31.5, extrusion distance of 56).  The changes to the placement of the Rib now makes this part more symmetrical.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fusion 360 Tutorials

For some of you who may forget a tool or which button to hit.  There is a page above that leads to Fusion360's Youtube channel.